"Politeia" is an ancient Greek term originating from the root "polis," signifying city/state, and the verb "politeuomai," denoting "I live like an active citizen of the polis." This term encompasses various meanings and translations, such as a community of citizens within a state, citizen rights, citizenship, a form or system of government, and even a constitution.
The term "Politean" refers to the original work by Plato, known as the "Republic," while Aristotle's equally renowned piece is titled "Athenian Politea."
The objective of the "Politea" game is to enhance the political and civic knowledge of the players.
How to play?
"Politea" accommodates 2 or more groups. A representative from each team draws a card and articulates the words inscribed on it, following specific rules:
- Prohibiting the use of similar words and translations during explanations.
- Allowing the explainer to use the root if the guessing team has already mentioned it.
- Disregarding the order when explaining words.
- Obtaining another playing card only after successfully guessing all the words on the current card.
- Passing the game to the other team after a predetermined time has elapsed.
Each correctly guessed word earns 1 point. If any rules are breached during an explanation, no additional points can be obtained for that word.
The team amassing the highest number of points is declared the winner.
*The game comprises playing cards of varying complexity, with words of a more challenging level inscribed on white playing cards adorned with blue patterns.