Transparency International Anticorruption Center (TIAC) is initiating a specialized training course tailored for young journalists, aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of corruption and its implications. Through this program, participants will gain insight into the causes, risks, and repercussions of corruption, ultimately empowering them to report on this critical issue effectively.

The course welcomes applications from both young journalists and journalism students, offering an opportunity for individuals to enhance their knowledge and skills in combating corruption. Eligibility extends to individuals residing in all regions of the Republic of Armenia, as well as forcefully displaced journalists from Artsakh.

All the expenses associated with the training, which is scheduled to be held outside of Yerevan from May 31 to June 2 are covered by the inviting organization. Upon completion of the course, participants will have the chance to craft anticorruption articles or press materials under the guidance of TIAC experts. Recognition awaits the authors of the most outstanding contributions, with prizes awarded to acknowledge their achievements.

Those interested in participating are encouraged to submit their applications by completing the provided form before the deadline on May 19.

The training is organized in cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Foundation Yerevan Office- South Caucasus Region.

The content of this training is the sole responsibility of Transparency International Anticorruption Center and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Yerevan Office – South Caucasus Region.