Sona Ayvazyan, Deputy Director of Transparency International Anti-corruption Center acted as a trainer in the Module 3 of extra-occupational training program's course session on "Bad governance: The role of corruption in natural resources governances and ways to deal with it - carried out on Vilm island on November 9. 2012. Module 3 of the Klaus Toepfer Fellowship for Future Leaders in Nature Conservation from the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia focused "Conservation Governance and Policy."

The following issues were covered during the course session:
- What is corruption and how does it affect nature conservation and natural resource use?
- In which conservation areas is corruption particularly important and dangerous (e.g. forests, hunting, infrastructure development, etc.)
- What are the main approaches to fighting corruption (in general and from the specific Armenian experience, as a case study)? What success stories exist?

Module 3 focused on decision-making processes and structures relevant to conservation at the local, national and international level, user-based approaches to resource conservation; strategic planning and negotiation for biodiversity conservation.

The course is organized by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) with its International Academy for Nature Conservation. It is generously funded by the German Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).