On March 18, 2010 in its 27th meeting held in Geneva, they discussed issues regarding implementation of the Aarhus Convention by the Republic of Armenia. The discussion was based on communication from Transparency International Anti-corruption Center, together with the "Ecodar" environmental public organization and Helsinki Citizens' Assembly Vanadzor Office to the Aarhus Convention's Secretariat on September 15, 2009.

According to the communication, the Armenian Government's decisions and actions regarding the exploitation of the Teghut copper and molybdenum deposit breached Article 6 of the Aarhus Convention - restriction of public participation in the decision-making process. In particular, in the opinion of those organizations that sent the communication, the Republic of Armenia did not comply with the:
- principle of public participation in early stages of decision making (Art. 6(2));
- principle of ensuring effective public participation(Art. 6(4));
- principle, according to which decisions have to reflect and consider results of public participation (Art. 6(8));
- principle, according to which the public has to be immediately notified about decisions made (Art. 6(9));
- principle, according to which in case of update of operating conditions the public has to be notified (Art. 6(10));

The communication from the public organizations asserts that by rejecting their application and subsequent complaint in the administrative court, access to justice was restricted and article 9(2) of the Aarhus Convention was violated. It was only after the Aarhus convention compliance committee accepted the public organizations' communication that the civil and administrative chamber of the court of cassation of Armenia announced that the complaint was satisfied on the part of "Ecodar" environmental public organization. However, the court failed to recognize Transparency International Anti-corruption Center as a concerned party according to the definitions of Aarhus convention.

TIAC's Environmental Policy Expert Sona Ayvazyan and Attorney Hayk Alumyan represented the communicants in Geneva. Aida Iskoyan, National Coordinator of Aarhus Convention, represented the Government of the Republic of Armenia. Sahak Karapetyan of Armenian Copper Programme (ACP) CJSC, exploiting Teghut deposit and Edward Mouradyan, ACP attorney and Managing Partner of "Prudence" Law Firm acted as observers. By the way, they presented the government position together with the Armenian Government representative. That circumstance once again testified of the common interests and possible cooperation between ACP CJSC and the Armenian Government concerning Teghut exploitation.

The hearings and the questions and answers between the parties lasted for five hours. Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee will make decision in its upcoming meetings during June or September.