On November 19, 2015 during RA Government meeting Armen Alaverdyan, Deputy Minister of Finance, by addressing media coverage about luxurious expenses allocated for the construction of a training center in Dilijan, stated that the purchases were realistic. As it was mentioned by “Azatutyun” earlier, 37 million AMD was spent for the purpose of furnishing bathrooms of the training center. Expensive goods for bathrooms were obtained using single source procurement method. However, according to the clarification presented by the Ministry of Finance three organizations were asked to tender for a contract, and the contract was won by "Ideal System" chain store. According to Artak Manukyan, Procurement Expert of Transparency International Anticorruption Center (TIAC) the procurement was noncompetitive. “When participation of any possible supplier is limited in the given tender noncompetitive procurement method is used. Whereas pursuant to the Armenian legislation open tendering is the preferred competitive public procurement method used for acquiring goods, services and infrastructure works.

The clarification also mentioned that the information on being only four auditoriums in the center told by TIAC Expert Artak Manukyan was not accurate. Manukyan opposed telling that the ministry confused auditoriums with halls. “To add halls to auditoriums and to present that there are eight of them seems incorrect.”

According to the Deputy Finance Minister the training center should be turned into a regional center. Expert Artak Manukyan, reminding that the Central Bank also has built a similar establishment in Dilijan for 150 million USD, wonders why the second too expensive training center was constructed in a country which lacked super-modern economy, given that the Ministry of Finance has a training center in Yerevan. “In my opinion in a county where there are a number of primary social issues to be solved such expenses are luxurious,” he said.

“Azatutyun” was informed by the Ministry of Finance that 13․5 billion AMD was allocated from the state budget for the construction of the training center. The center was to be operated at the end of the year, however due to scarcity of resources the government decided to postpone its operaton next year.